

15 Uppsatser om Flank sucking - Sida 1 av 1

Samband mellan tjockleken hos PVD-skikt och förslitningsbeteendet vid svarvning

This project has as main goal to study the influence of the coating thickness, deposited by arc-PVD- technology, on the wear resistance of coated cemented carbide inserts in three different turning operations. An additional effort has also been made to develop a new test method for evaluating flank wear resistance. Three different coating types (Coating A, Coating B and Coating C) have been studied in three distinctive thicknesses (2, 4 and 6 µm) for each type. For two of the coating types (Coating A and B) special studies has been done with the thickest coating, creating two additional coating versions of the thickest coating, by changing various deposition parameters, with the aim to enhance the cohesive properties of the coating and lower the residual stresses at the cutting edge. The results show increased crater wear resistance with increased coating thickness for all coating types, but the amount of increase changes with coating type (Coating A>B>C).

Flanksnitt som alternativ till linea-albasnitt vid ovariohysterektomi av tik :

In Sweden, the most common way to castrate a bitch is by midline approach. In this study, flank and midline approaches are compared in order to evaluate incision by the flank as an alternative technique for ovariohysterectomy in the bitch. The study was performed on straydogs in the central part of Thailand under field conditions. 32 bitches were included in the study. The castration technique was by flank and midline approach, alternating with every other bitch.

Kalvens beteende i olika uppfödningssystem :

The purpose of this literature review was to investigate how the rearing systems influence the behaviour of dairy calves. Calves are social animals that form groups within the herd where play and social licking between calves are important social activities. Suckling is a complex behaviour and essential for the calf's survival. In the modern rearing systems the calf is usually separated from its mother soon after birth. Calves are then kept in individual pens, group pens or, more rarely, with a foster cow.

Avvikande repetitiva beteenden hos hund : bakomliggande orsaker och konsekvenser

Stereotypier och tvångsbeteenden är relativt vanligt förekommande hos hundar. Exempel på några av dessa beteenden är flanksugning, filtsugning, slickdermatit, bita i luften, svansjakt och att stå som fastfrusen. Det finns oenigheter inom litteraturen om vad en stereotypi respektive ett tvångsbeteende är. Vissa författare använder begreppen som synonymer, medan andra ser det som två skilda beteenden. På grund av den rådande begreppsförvirringen använder jag termen avvikande repetitiva beteenden som ett samlingsnamn.

Hur en för tidig avvänjning påverkar kattens beteende

Enligt svensk lag måste alla katter vara minst 12 veckor vid försäljning. I bl.a. Storbritannien kan kattungar dock säljas vid 8 veckors ålder. Med utgångspunkt från detta har jag ställt upp de två frågeställningarna ?hur påverkas kattens beteende om avvänjningen från modern sker före 12 veckors ålder?, och ?vilka problem kan man som djurägare få med sin katt om den avvänjs för tidigt?. Med begreppet beteendeproblem menas beteenden som anses oacceptabla av djurägaren, som ?wool-sucking? eller överdriven vokalisering.

Samspel mellan amerikansk blomtrips, Frankliniella occidentalis,och kruk-gerbera, Gerbera jamesonii :

Gerbera jamesonii is a plant with a large amount of pollen and various flower colours and a favourite host plant for Frankliniella occidentalis. The best growing temperature for gerbera is approximately 20°C. Frankliniella occidentalis or the Western Flower Thrips is a small insect that has become an important pest in greenhouse cultivation all over the world. The high temperatures in the greenhouse are favourable for F. occidentalis.

Kastration av katt

This student report is about neutering male and female cats and compares early ageneutering to neutering at the traditional age of 6 months.The main focus in this report is early age neutering, which means that neutering isperformed when the kittens are between 6 and 16 weeks of age. This technique has beenused by shelters in the United States for a long time, to prevent the adopted cats fromreproduce and contribute to the problem of overpopulation.Two different surgical methods are also addressed; the ventral midline incision and thelateral flank approach. Ovariohysterectomy and ovariectomy are also compared.I also address which drugs are preferable when kittens are neutered and some importantguidelines where you have to be extra careful when dealing with kittens.These guidelines are the preanesthetic evaluation, calculating drug dosages and preventinghypothermia, hypoglycaemia and stress.The report also has a summary of the concerns regarding early age neutering such asanaesthetic risks, growth disorders and growth plate fractures, urologic diseases andimmune system dysfunction, obesity, altered metabolism and behavioural changes.The sex hormones and how they change after neutering is also included.At the end of the report there is a compilation of a questionnaire that consists of eightquestions that I sent out to various animal hospitals and veterinary clinics in Sweden..

Torvströ till svenska mjölkkor :

Peat litter is a soft material with high absorbency. About hundred years ago many farmers in Sweden used peat litter to their dairy cows. After the World War II the use of peat litter decreased and the farmers used more straw. Nowadays (year 2007), when it is harder to find straw and sawdust to buy, peat litter is advancing again. The purpose with this study is to investigate peat as a litter to dairy cows.

Gene expression from a cold-treated Swedish isolate of Haemonchus contortus

Totally 84 differentially expressed mRNA clones from infective L3 larvae of the parasite Haemonchus contortus, a blood sucking nematode, were analyzed with single strand hybridization assay (SSH). Altogether 79 clones were sequenced, edited, and compared with proteins found via BLAST in GeneBank. The aim was to investigate gene expression and potential protein expression following storage at 5 °C for 32 weeks. mRNA was extracted from fresh and stored L3. The SSH derived products were cloned into E.

Vampyrer : En studie av den europeiska vampyren och dess samtida funktioner.

Abstract ?The Vampire from past to present?. This essay studies and compares the early historical Vampire as it is presented in some of the Western Europe countries, primarily Greece, but also Romania and how their descriptions of the Vampire have inspired the portrait of vampires in modern films and literature. The essay aims to answer the questions:How has the historical, traditional, European Vampire developed through the centuries into the modern Vampire of today? Which original facts and perceptions about the Vampire from a Christian and pre-Christian point of view can be observed in the modern Vampire, as it is presented in the chosen films and furthermore, can any new ideas be observed in the films?By studying Vampire literature and poems throughout the centuries, a very interesting picture appears.

Strö- och vattentilldelning hos ett urval av Halmstad kommuns svinbesättningar

This thesis is conducted together with the environmental- and health department in Halmstadcommunity. The thesis is about allowance of bedding and water supply for pig farms inHalmstad community. These farms are chosen randomly from all of the pig farms inHalmstad community. It includes inspection of 27 pig farms and writing of a report. Duringthe inspections I study the amount of bedding, what kind of bedding, water supply andinjuries like lameness, shoulder-bone sore, ear-, flank- and pig tail biting.

Tvåstegsavvänjning av köttraskalvar med hjälp av nosbricka :

When beef calves are weaned abruptly at 5 to 6 months of age this triggers a strong stress reaction, since the animals have not yet untied the bonds to their mothers or stopped suckling. This is displayed as extensive vocalization and restlessness. Attempts to diminish the negative effects of weaning on sucking calves have been showing varying results. The study presented here emanates from the observation that when calves are weaned without human interference they are only prevented from suckling, but are still allowed to have social contacts with their mothers. The hypothesis was that calves weaned in two steps would be calmer, gain more weight, and be healthier than animals that were abruptly weaned. To investigate this, 15 calves where weaned in two stages (Group 2), by fitting the calves with nose tags that prevented them from suckling during 5 days prior to the separation of the cows and calves.

Vätskepreferenser hos unga kalvar

Den vanligast förekommande sjukdomen hos unga kalvar med infektiös orsak i Sverige är diarré. Enterit kan leda till uttorkning, acidos, rubbningar i elektrolytbalansen och i värsta fall dödsfall. Snabbt insatt behandling är avgörande. Till kalvar med fungerande digestionssystem rekommenderas i första hand behandling med oral vätsketerapi. Endast lite forskning har utförts om hur kalvar helst dricker sitt vatten.

A screening for Schmallenberg virus among sheep, goats and cattle in Zambezia province, Moçambique : and preparations for a metagenomic survey of virus in mosquitoes

As the world´s population increases and people's living conditions are improving, larger areas are needed for houses as well as food production. This means that new areas are exploited and that people, livestock, blood sucking insects and wild animals are forced to live close together. In combination with the global warming, leading to extreme weather such as floods and storms, this allows both new and old pathogens to emerge. The number of "emerging infectious diseases", EIDs, has increased in recent years and many of them have their origin in poor, tropical countries. Moçambique is therefore considered to be a high risk area for EIDs. Schmallenberg virus, SBV, was discovered in 2011 as an "emerging infectious disease" in dairy cows in Germany.

Dystoki och kejsarsnitt hos nötboskap

Kejsarsnitt är den enda möjliga metoden för att förlösa levande kalvar när en vaginal förlossning är ogenomförbar. Trots detta har endast drygt hälften av de svenska nötpraktikerna någon gång utfört ett kejsarsnitt. Det kan ställas i relation till situationen i Nederländerna och Belgien där rasen belgisk blå är vanlig. Praxis vid uppfödning av belgisk blå är att undvika vaginala förlossningar till förmån för planerade kejsarsnitt. Syftet med litteraturstudien är att klargöra vid vilka typer av dystoki som kejsarsnitt är indikerat och vilka alternativ som finns samt att beskriva varför det utförs rutinmässigt på rasen belgisk blå. För att ge läsaren ett sammanhang beskrivs först kons normala anatomi och fysiologi ur ett kalvningsperspektiv. Vid kalvning stöts kalven ut ur livmodern genom cervix och vagina.